The start of something new

Hello friend!

This is my very first blog post here on I´m very excited to start this journey together with you.

You may wonder what makes this blog any different from the millions of blogs out there. Maybe there is no difference at all. Maybe this blog is nothing special. But it is my blog. My journey. My point of view.

And this is what makes life special. Not only this blog. It is what every one of us can bring to the table. We are what makes anything in this world special. Because we are special.

What is it about?

This blog is about everything that I think deserves a story. I will write about everything I truly believe you should read so that you can profit from it.

Too many times we are stuck in our daily life. It seems we never have enough time and all we do from day to day is to survive. Somehow get over this day on to the next. It can seem like being stuck somewhere and we cannot find the exit.

For many years I felt exactly this way. I felt so stuck in life. I didn´t know where to start and I was very confused about what to do with my life. You may know what I´m talking about.

It´s like wading through black water with fog all around you. It feels like being separated from your senses. For me, it felt like sleeping even though I was awake. And time runs through your fingers and you have no control over anything in your life. It sucks!

So, I created this blog to focus on everything that makes life fulfilling. A positive experience. All the things that make life more joyful and loveable. All the reasons to laugh and love more.  

It´s about YOU!

It´s about me.

It´s about all of us.

Sometimes life gives us lemons so that we can make lemonade out of them. And we can only realise how blessed we are when we finish the path and can look back on how far we´ve come. And only at that point, so far from where we started, can we see why we had to start in the first place.

You may be stuck right now, but trust me, friend, it´ll make sense. Some day you will see why you need to go through this right now. And maybe I can help you bring light in the dark.

As someone who was stuck too and as someone who knows what it feels like. And as someone who is still sometimes stuck in life. We can help each other to see a little bit clearer. To feel a little bit better. And to experience life a little bit lighter. To make the world a better place to be.

It is our life. Our journey. It is only on us to walk the path. We are in control of our life. We deserve to feel safe. We deserve to experience the good things in life.

We deserve that we are not limited about anything on earth. We deserve to be free.

So, let´s go on a new adventure.

See you soon!

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