How to find your niche as a newbie blogger

Whenever you consider becoming a blogger yourself, the first and most crucial obstacle you must solve is what blogging niche is the perfect fit for you to start your blogging journey with. Because your niche will define what kind of a blogger you will be even before you start being a blogger. 

As you research the internet about finding the perfect niche for your blog, you will likely find a massive load of information almost impossible to digest. I did the same back then when I decided to become a blogger. And most likely, like you, I ended up baffled. 

Finding your blogging niche is possible and can be stress-free. Even without previous experience as a blogger, you can find a niche that fulfils your expectations and that your readers will love reading about. To find the perfect niche you will be content with for years, you must ask yourself some questions to determine what type of blogger you will be. 

Today’s blog post will help you to bring some sense into the chaos. 

What is a niche?

With this definition in mind, a niche is the overall topic of your blog. This means that a niche will give your blog a foundation you can rely on in the future. Also, your niche defines the content you will be creating as a blogger. This is crucial for you because it will help you always retain the common thread of your blog. 

A niche helps you always retain the common thread.

Finding your niche is crucial for the success of your blog. First, it’s helpful for you as the blogger to know what to write about to make your blog meaningful. Second, it’s crucial for your audience, your readers, to understand what your blog is about. The better they know what your blog is about, the longer they stay on it, and the easier your target audience can find you. 

Otherwise, it will be challenging for website visitors to orient themselves while on your blog. Also, if your content is confusing, your readers will be perplexed and ultimately disappointed. Creating off-niche content is the best way to lead your readers away from your blog.  

You want to attract the right audience with your niche.

Let’s use an example to make things clear. For instance, a blogger who picked food as their niche, and more precisely, healthy vegan recipes, would create content around this niche. Therefore, their target audience would be people who are interested not only in food recipes but also in vegan and healthy recipes. 

With this in mind, you would expect this healthy vegan food blogger’s audience to be primarily interested in this topic. It wouldn’t make sense for people who want to know everything about the perfect steak recipe to find this specific blog. As you can imagine, they would be highly disappointed with what they find on this food blog. 

This is why finding your blogging niche is crucial for you as a blogger and for your target audience. A niche will make it much easier for you as the content creator to create meaningful content your readers will love, and it will also make the orientation of your audience much more precise.

Your niche must be suitable for you.

When determining your ideal niche, the topic of your blog must be suitable for you, something you like working with. On the other hand, a niche is a field only a specific type of person feels drawn to. Conversely, a niche is usually something only some are interested in. 

Therefore, to be successful with your task, you must work from two sides to find your perfect blogging niche. First, you must find something you are interested in, and second, you must keep your future readers in mind and find a topic they will be interested in as well.

You will find articles on the internet about finding a profitable niche with your future readers in mind. And that’s exceptionally important. You can write about anything you want, but if nobody is interested in what you write, you won’t have a successful business in the long term. 

What are profitable niches?

Keeping the previous definition in mind, a profitable niche is a topic most people are interested in. Or, better yet, a profitable niche is a field of interest many people face problems within, and you, as the blogger and content creator, can assist in solving these issues for your readers.

To continue with our former example, the target audience of a healthy vegan food blog would face the problem of continuously searching for recipes that are not only vegan but also healthy. The blogger of this specific blog would help solve this issue for their readers by repeatedly creating healthy vegan food recipes. 

Let’s clarify: Profitable niches can be found anywhere because it’s not the niche itself that is profitable but you, as the content creator, who makes it profitable. You can make any niche profitable by providing solutions to the problems your readers are suffering with. Nevertheless, the most profitable niches are subjects where most people face problems and where the best solutions can be found and presented to the public most profoundly. 

Here are some of the currently most profitable niches: 

  • Personal Development
  • Health and Fitness
  • Food and Recipes
  • Personal Finance
  • Parenting
  • Education
  • Technology and Gaming
  • Making Money Online
  • Travelling
  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion

As you can see, the above list contains a lot of different topics; if you think about it precisely, it’s what most people, if you research a little on the internet and social media, are talking and struggling about constantly. 

Of course, if you research correctly, you can find many more profitable niches around the internet that are attractive to you as a blogger and your future audience. 

Learn from people who already do what you want.

There is so much information on the internet about finding the perfect niche that it can be tempting to lose perspective. I get it. Everything about starting a blog and becoming a successful blogger can be very confusing and ultimately make you doubt your decision before you even have the chance to start. 

Therefore, let me encourage you to keep up hope. Don’t get discouraged by all these gurus who claim to know best. Of course, it’s always a good idea to at least contemplate the information you get from experts, and it’s part of the blogging journey to gather purposeful info to make proper decisions about your future career. 

To do so, you will most definitely benefit from following the advice of people who have already successfully done what you want to do at some point. Therefore, research and get as much information as possible about the topic since it’s free. 

Allow yourself to improvise.

But remember, no matter how much information you can collect and how well-informed you are, it will always be the truth of someone else. Of course, as long as it made the person successful, it’s probably useful information to you, too. Nonetheless, it’s never your truth. Your job as a blogger is to make something unique from your collected knowledge. Therefore, allow yourself to improvise. 

Eventually, it would be best if you started unprepared to find your unique way of pursuing your blogging journey and truth. You must be willing to improvise and make mistakes. And you will make mistakes. Failing and making mistakes are inevitable in any unknown journey. 

Even if you spend weeks researching, there won’t be the perfect time to start your project. Also, please remember that you probably get all the information online from people who have been in the game for years. Therefore, they had plenty of time to make mistakes and gather the expert knowledge they could share today. 

Everyone starts at some point.

Everyone starts at some point, and starting will always look chaotic and messy. But you know what? Making mistakes in your blogging journey and life is the only thing that will prepare you for the success that will come for you.

Failing in life and making mistakes is what a successful journey is made of. Therefore, it’s okay if you want to find your perfect blogging niche from day one. But also keep in mind that you will evolve eventually. With every step further you take while pursuing your blogging journey, you will evolve into a new version of yourself.

I promise you won’t stay the person you started your blogging journey as. Along your trip, you will evolve into a completely different person. Therefore, let go of the pressure you are punishing yourself with now and let us find you the niche you want to work with in the upcoming years.

How to find your niche?

At this point, some of you may already have found your perfect niche. If this is the case for you and you’re only reading this blog post to reassure yourself and your decision, let me help you right now: if you feel good about your decision, if you have no doubt about the niche you pick, or if you have doubts about your decision but couldn’t think of anything better fitting for you, this is your sign to go with it. 

Also, let me remind you that you cannot know what the future holds for you; in this blog post, I may write about blogging as a long-term project, but there is no way you could know what the future holds for you. For this reason, if your decision feels good now, stick with it and pursue your dream.

Get to know yourself.

But if you are unsure of making a decision now, don’t go crazy. You’ll make your decision eventually. It may be best to get to know yourself better to find a niche that will make you happy for a long time. 

Also, by finding your perfect blogging niche, always keep in mind what blogging is all about: 

Blogging, in general, is mostly about what you can do for others. It’s about how well you can serve other people. The better you can help your readers solve their problems, the more successful a blogger you will become. Blogging is all about serving others in the most profound way possible. 

If you’re okay with this, or better yet, if you’re seeking to help others with your knowledge and ability to express your wisdom in written words, a bright future as a blogger awaits you. Therefore, getting to know yourself more profoundly is best to understand what you want to pursue.

Whenever you can get to the root of what your innermost essence is made of, you’ll most likely be able to find the niche in which you can shine.

Therefore, let’s get to know you better with the following questions:

Why do you want to start a blog?

The first and most important question you must ask yourself is why you want to start a blog and find your perfect blogging niche.

Answer this question now before you read further. Take your time, and it’s best to write your answers down. Write down all the reasons you come across why you want to pursue your blogging journey. 

The answer to this question will tell you if you have what it takes to become a blogger or if it makes more sense for you to save your time and energy instead. 

Blogging, like any other profession, is only for some. Anyone can do it or at least try to make it work, but like any other job you could perform, it’s only suitable for some people. Therefore, let me assure you that if you conclude that blogging is nothing for you, it’s okay! 

You have unique talents.

It’s okay if you conclude that your talents are rooted somewhere else. And rest assured, you are talented. There is nothing to be ashamed of if one out of uncountable professions does not suit you well. I’m sure you’ll find something you will be happy with!

A blogger, or better, a content creator, cares deeply about their readers. Creating content is all about serving other people in the best way possible. Never make the mistake of turning things the other way around and mistakenly considering what you could get from your readers first. 

An altruistic approach to blogging would be better. First, you need to serve your readers in the most profound way possible, and second, you’ll get some rewards back from them.

Are you willing to put a lot of your time and energy first into your blogging project, yet with the thought of probably never getting something comparable back? 

As a content creator/blogger, you must care profoundly about the people you write for. Otherwise, people will know. They will sense that you don’t care about them, and they will find someone else who does. 

What do you spend your time with?

To determine what niche will fit you best, you must first understand how you spend your time. Of course, you could pick one of the most profitable niches currently in the market, but would this make you happy and content in the long term?

Think about it this way: what do your favourite content creators, whether bloggers or otherwise active on the internet, have in common? Do you like them because they throw out random content to the masses? Or do you like them because they authentically put purposeful content that resonates with their personal story online?

I believe it’s the latter one. And this is precisely what this blog post is about. When picking your niche, you don’t want to be a copy of a topic that exists a trillion times in this or a similar way. No. You want to create something purposeful. Something only you can create because you’ll bring your essence into your blog. 

Therefore, it’s crucial to get to know yourself more profoundly. What interests you? Not just a hobby, but what ability of yours has been accompanying you your whole life? 

Answer this question now before you read further. Take your time while answering this question. What do you spend your time on every single day?

As a blogger, no matter your niche, you must be able to 

  • Determine your readers’ issues and interests.
  • Research topics you write about efficiently and precisely.
  • Enjoy writing and creating content for hours every single day.
  • Be content with working by yourself for most of the time.
  • Learn new things constantly, even if it has nothing to do with your niche (e.g. technical stuff for your blog, legal stuff, content marketing, creating more appealing content, etc.).
  • Push yourself off limits, be disciplined, and be willing to alter your old and counterproductive routines. 

Therefore, the question is not only about what you spend your time with daily but also about whether you are willing to determine the appropriate time for your blogging project repeatedly every day.

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What are you good at?

Everybody is good at something—you, too. But sometimes, we tend to get lost in comparing ourselves to one another, and with that, our uniqueness and extraordinary talents can fade away. This does not mean that you could ever be any less unique or that there is nothing you’re good at. 

But when comparing to one another, you may become unaware of what you’re truly a genius at. This can happen when you don’t see enough of others in yourself. Comparing is very tricky when it comes to discovering your unique talents because whenever you compare yourself with others, you take away from you your uniqueness, the essence that makes you you.

Never compare yourself to anybody.

At this point, hear me out: stop comparing yourself to anyone who is not you. Of course, comparing is unconscious primary behaviour, but try listening to your inner voice. Deep down, you know it makes no sense to compare yourself to anybody else since you are a unique and individual person experiencing life in a way nobody else could like you do.

Also, to determine what you’re good at, you must allow yourself to evolve into the most authentic version of yourself. You do this by allowing yourself to be different. Allow yourself to do every day what feels like your best self. 

Of course, this takes some time, but this blog post is not meant to be a quick fix. I want you to find a blogging niche you will be pleased with. Nothing is more daunting than working on something for ages, even though you don’t like what you’re doing. 

Therefore, stop trying to be like anybody around you and be the way you are within yourself. Start embracing your uniqueness and being grateful for everything you are capable of. 

Find what you’re good at. 

Your niche is hidden somewhere between everything you’re already good at. And being good at something does not necessarily mean you must be an expert in a specific field. No. Being good at something means that you like doing it and enjoying yourself while doing it. 

Being an expert requires years and years of practice of trial and error. Being good at something requires passion and motivation. Primarily, the difference lies in your emotions. If you feel good about it, you’re probably good at it. 

Therefore, what are you already good at? What do you like doing repeatedly? What leaves you with a light heart?

Answer that question before you read further. Write down all your answers and take your time with this one. Get to know yourself well enough to determine everything you’re already good at. You can even ask your loved ones what they think you’re good at.

How can you serve people best?

Being a blogger and a content creator involves serving your readers, clients, and followers in the most profound way possible.

Blogging is not about you and your problems. If you want to make writing and creating content your life’s mission, you must prepare yourself that it’s not about you. It’s not about whether you love a topic or want to learn something new. No. 

It’s all about your readers and how you can guarantee to serve them in the most profound way possible. Becoming a blogger is about solving problems your readers are struggling with. It’s about supporting them in solving their issues with your expertise, authenticity, and empathy. 

Blogging is about you.

But of course, it’s also about you. It’s about how you feel while serving all these beautiful souls who are your readers and followers. Creating content is about how you feel while publishing your art pieces. Also, it’s about your life’s story and what you can contribute to the world’s problems by sharing your unique perceptions about any of your topics of interest. 

You have an extraordinary view of things nobody else could ever come near. This is because all your life experiences are unique since every single one weaves a pattern of your life that was never here before and will never be like this again. 

This is why you can become a successful blogger: You hold value and influence for everything you’ve experienced, the way you think, the unique way you speak words, and all your actions resulting from your collective life experiences. 

With your words and content, you can serve people in a way only you can. Therefore, when determining what niche is best for you to pick, always remember that you, as a blogger, must serve your readers in the most profound way possible. 

What do you want to learn more about?

When picking your niche for your blog, it’s crucial to think about everything you already do and are good at. It’s also your responsibility to consider that you must work with your preferred niche for the upcoming years. 

This also means that you must be willing to learn something new within that niche. Your blogging niche must be attractive enough for you to stay focused and curious for an extended time. 

Blogging is not a quick fix.

Let’s be honest: Blogging is not a quick fix. We are not talking about weeks of work and effort but about years. On the internet, countless gurus promise you to become a full-time and financially independent blogger within weeks or months, but hear me out: Blogging is hard work. 

To become successful as a blogger, you must be willing to put in lots of time, energy, and effort. You must be willing to push yourself over the edge every day. It would be best to find the strength to keep going even when you are not motivated to perform.

Your blogging niche must be appealing to you.

Therefore, if you intend to become a blogger, the niche you pick must be something you are willing to learn about more in the future. To better your understanding of what I mean, let’s talk about myself:

My blog is entirely about personal development and mental health. Lately, I’ve added nutrition advice (I’m a certified holistic nutritionist) and will soon add healthy recipes – stay tuned for that! I also write about how to become a blogger since I gathered lots of valuable information throughout my experience of becoming a blogger myself. 

Therefore, my blog is divided into three niches: Healthy nutrition, mental health and blogging advice. All three of my preferred niches have been parts of my life for years. I’ve been interested in nutrition since I was around 12 years old (I’m 26 now), and mental health is a topic I’ve learned about since I was around 18 years old. Therefore for me, it’s apparent that I will keep learning about these two topics, making them the perfect fit for me to write about on my blog. 

Also, since I became a blogger two years ago, I have learned something new about blogging almost daily. As long as I write about nutrition and mental health, I will automatically learn something about blogging, making it the perfect fit for my blog to keep me engaged for years to come. 

The niches I picked to write about on my blog may not be the most profitable ones, but honestly, money is not everything, and I highly encourage you to keep the thought of making an income from your blog aside. You cannot serve your readers as best as possible if you only have money in mind. This is not helpful to you and your audience. 

How many niches do you want to choose?

As you read before, my blog, Gloriously Her, features blog posts on three different niches. Most advice on the internet will tell you that it’s best to pick one profitable niche and stick with it solely. They will tell you that it makes more sense, moneywise, to have different websites regarding different niches rather than entertaining one website with several niches.

This is related to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and it’s a vast topic and nothing we will discuss today. You must only know that to make money and succeed as fast as possible, you should listen to these blogging experts online. 

Nevertheless, I have other plans for my blog, and you may also have other plans for your blog. For me, the most crucial aspect of being a blogger is to inspire and help you. As the title of my blog says, be gloriously you. This is precisely what I want for you: to live your life in a way that feels glorious to you. Therefore, the three niches I write constantly about are, in my opinion, the most crucial ones for achieving my goal of helping you become gloriously you. 

You are the creator of your blog. 

As you can see, blogging is a highly personal matter. As your blog’s creator, you will have to decide what your blog is about. Therefore, you choose how many niches your blog will cover. Eventually, you need to figure out what will work for you. 

My most important tip for you: Be brave!

Dare to try something new, dare to do things nobody else dares, and always listen to your inner voice and gut feeling. Whenever you follow what your heart wants to know, miracles can happen. And with blogging, it’s the same. Just dare to be your most authentic self.

What are your goals with your blogging niche?

This final question is a round-up of the above questions. Getting yourself answers here will help you understand what blogging is all about and how your blogging niche can support you in achieving your goals. Therefore, what are your goals with your blogging niche? What do you imagine achieving by picking a specific niche? 

Answer this question now before reading further. Write down all of your answers and be as precise as possible. Take your time answering this question. 

Since all your answers are individual and unique, there cannot be a right or wrong answer. Just get to know yourself as a person, as a living human being experiencing life as you do, and you will do a great job finding the niche that will fit your blogging style. 

You can only control your inner world.

But as you answer this final question, please remember that you can only control your inner world. You don’t have any control over anything outside your mind. 

Therefore, when answering the question of your goals when picking a particular blogging niche, remember that you have no control over how other people perceive your future content. Also, no matter how much you push yourself to be the perfect blogger, at the end of the day, your audience, your readers, determine whether they like your content. 

Get specific about your goals with your blog.

Before you pick a blogging niche, it’s best to get as specific as possible about what your goals are with your blog. Here are a few inspirations of possible goals:

  • Do you want to inspire people with your content?
  • Do you want to educate people on specific topics?
  • Do you want to make money with your blog?
  • Do you want to build a following?
  • Do you want to connect with people?
  • Do you want to use your blog as your journal?
  • Do you want to build yourself a career as a blogger?

No matter what conclusions you reach by answering this question, the point is for you to get an idea of what kind of blogger you will be in the future. It makes no sense to randomly pick a niche that you think could get you the most attention, but later, you conclude that this niche cannot fulfil your expectations as a blogger. 

Finding a blogging niche that feels like it was destined for you is always best. Since you’ve read this blog post so far, I have high hopes that you will do a fantastic job picking a niche that fulfils your desires as a blogger and will fulfil your readers’ expectations of you as a content creator.

Finding your blogging niche can be a productive and stress-free adventure with the right tools and attitude. Hopefully, this guide will help you determine what niche suits you and support you while pursuing your blogging journey. Always remember that becoming a blogger is a journey that looks different for everyone. 

Also, when considering what niche will fulfil your expectations, always remember that first things first, you need to be happy with your choice. Your readers may read your blog posts and adore you for what you can provide, but you’re the one who constantly has to work with your niche. 

You will be the one sitting on your laptop for hours, repeatedly researching the internet for new content ideas, writing valuable blog posts and improving yourself and your skills as a professional in the field of blogging. 

Today is the perfect time to get active.

As always, here on Gloriously Her, please let me gently remind you that today is the perfect day to get active. Get active today, one step further into becoming a blogger, by finding your ideal blogging niche. Today could be the day when change comes to you. Are you ready?

And whenever you’ve found your niche, encourage yourself to sit for a while with your decision. Starting your blog and becoming a blogger is nothing you should rush. It’s always better to step by step further, consciously experiencing this phase of transition into a new version of yourself.

Take your time when seeking change.

Sometimes, change cannot even happen fast enough for us. We feel we cannot shed our old shell fast enough to become something new and exciting. But also remind yourself that change needs time. Therefore, be gentle and treat yourself with the kindness you deserve in these times of transition and change. You can do this.

Until next time,

Keep evolving into your most glorious self!

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