Affiliate Disclosure

This affiliate disclosure is valid from December 01, 2022.

What is an affiliate link?

An affiliate link is a link on an internet page ( that takes you to a website where you can buy a product/service. If you decide to purchase these products/services following my unique affiliate links, I may earn a commission at NO ADDITIONAL COST to you.

These affiliate links are disclosed throughout this website in this way:

You can find the affiliate disclaimer at every blog post that may contain affiliate links at the very beginning, right underneath the title and meta info.

The affiliate disclaimer looks like this:

This post may contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase through my links, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read the full disclosure here.

Please note that not all links published on this blog are affiliate links. For more information, please check out the disclaimer page.

I often use affiliate links to promote certain products and services to you because I believe them to be of high quality and that they can be beneficial to you to help you improve your life. Participation in these affiliate programs does not influence my decision about which products I share. I only recommend products or services that I believe deliver value to you and are helpful.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are purely and entirely my own. I do not claim to be, nor try to be an expert on a particular topic, product, or service.  I will only endorse products/services I believe are worthy of endorsement and serve to enhance the experience for my readers. 

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by linking to and affiliated websites.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.