8 Reasons why it’s vital to take breaks

Today let’s talk about the importance of taking breaks!

Having goals and following your path to your destination of achieving your goals is fantastic! But at the same time, it can be tempting to go faster and faster until you’re not walking on your path anymore but racing and forgetting about the importance of taking a break. 

And the moment you start racing, you disconnect yourself from the universe; it starts being only a race. The moment you cannot enjoy your journey step by step anymore is when you should remind yourself of the importance of taking breaks. 

Listen to the red flags appearing while racing through your journey, such as lack of sleep or lower quality sleep, unhealthy eating patterns, stress and anxiety, and the feeling that you do not have enough time. 

All of these are signs you get from the universe while on the path to your designated destination: you should take one step back, take an intense breath, and calm down for one moment. 

Your universe is telling you that you are about to lose the race against yourself. And when losing against yourself at a race you unintentionally started and pushed forward for one reason – your anxiety, your isolation from the universe –you will fall into a hole you’ve never intended to fall into. 

Now is the moment to take action and take care of yourself again. This way, you can prevent unpleasant feelings and ground yourself again to restore your energy and tackle your journey as your glorious self!

woman on the beach - title - the importance of taking breaks

There is only you on your path.

You are fighting against yourself and nobody else while racing through your path. What is the award for winning against yourself? There is none. No other person you could win against. There is nothing to win, either. Because what do you want to win when there is only you and yourself?

Even if you think that you need to start running towards your goal, it cannot work out for you this way. You will start missing opportunities the faster you run through your life. And you will begin to be unable to appreciate the view while on your path. 

The journey itself is as important as the goal.

What quality does racing from one goal to another bring into your life? Always in a hurry and feeling unpleasant when not hitting the next big thing. Always on the hunt for the next goal because you cannot enjoy the journey. Is this the kind of life you truly want to live? 

Wouldn’t it be a more colourful life if you could enjoy every day? 

Just imagine what kind of a rich life you could experience if you could celebrate every moment you exist, every small goal you achieve throughout the day.

From the moment you wake up at the exact time you planned, eating the meal you envisioned, celebrating your morning walk, bathing in the sunlight, and enjoying the nature around you and all its miracles.

Acknowledge your past goals.

Suppose you see that every small goal you achieve daily is worth acknowledging as much as reaching your big goals. You can decide to celebrate each day and each tiny success like you would a big dream. Because for your past self, your current underrating goals were enormous. Your past self would celebrate all your current small goals because there were huge at once. 

All the small successes you are willing to ignore today, you once did for the first time, and there in the past, the things you now do daily were massive for your past self. It does not mean you must constantly look behind your shoulder and see where you were before, but acknowledge where you once were. 

Because the path you once walked prepared the course you are currently walking on. Appreciation for what you were able to do in the past is the most powerful way to remind yourself of the importance of taking breaks. Only when you can stop to appreciate what you once did can you take breaks and truly enjoy them.

Let this be your reminder to be grateful.

Let this remind you that no matter how small your achieved goal seems, be grateful that you reached it. Even if you get it every single day, celebrate it as if it was your first time. 

Celebrate all your successes like a child does its first step. Treat yourself like you would treat a beloved friend because you deserve it. You deserve to be treated by yourself with all the love and compassion you usually store and hide behind walls within yourself. 

And as soon as you can see how full of wonders you are, your life can become glorious. You can become gloriously her—the version of yourself who has it all. Who can tread life gloriously because this is what she is –what you are. But it would be best to start treating yourself as this magnificent creature you are but cannot yet fully see. 

Shift your focus towards more rewarding perspectives.

You take away your glory by racing through your life and making your successes as small as possible. But you are glorious, if you may see it or not. The creations you make daily, there are all born through your energy. And you can see it in your actions and every day’s decision.

The only thing you have to do today is shift your focus towards your glorious self. Towards all the magnific stuff you do daily. All these miracles you make a reality every single day. And I know it’s hard to see yourself as what you are. Especially in this fast world, we live in.

Therefore, taking breaks is more important than ever before. You are only one decision away from shifting your focus. It’s something you must decide daily to see change happening. But this kind of change is what you want. This is what you aim for. Stay strong and hold the resistance.

You do things no one else can do.

You do things no one else can do. How you master your life is the only way you can handle it. How you tackle daily matters, solve your issues and find solutions for your problems are unique, like you are. And therefore, every day is significant. Every hour matters, and every minute. Everything you do matters. You matter. 

You deserve to take a break. 

Since everything you do matters and since you are the one who creates real miracles in your life, you deserve to take breaks from time to time. You do not need to rush through your life from one goal to the next. You do not have to make your actions small. 

You deserve better. You deserve to be treated with love and kindness by yourself. And always remember, the more you rush through your days, the more you take away the glory of your actions. 

Therefore, take a well-deserved break. Start to recapitulate what you have already achieved on your path in life. Take a moment while on your journey and enjoy the view. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and truly see what you’ve created and achieved so far. 

Stop comparing yourself.

It may not be the same outcome as the person next to you has, the person you may compare yourself to. But your creations are all yours. They are unique, just like you are, and this is what matters. Nothing else is essential. Not what someone else does and not what you think you should have to have achieved by this time. Stop comparing yourself to your surroundings. It does not suit you, and it’s not necessary. 

You can create more than a copy of someone else’s dreams. Comparing yourself with others takes away your unique power. It takes away your creativity. And what is left is a race against your higher self, against your most glorious self. Therefore, choose wisely. 

Breathe and calm down. Take a break and rest. It would be best if you had times of passivity where you could restore your energy to be the most active you’ve ever been. Enjoy the small things while taking a break, and your life will become more colourful and glorious. 

Breaks are a crucial part of life. There is time for peace and calm. And there is time for quiet. Tomorrow, you can be active again and achieve your goals: the small ones and the big ones.

The importance of taking a break is imperative.

When taking a break, you’re in a creative process. It may seem controversial, but in times of passivity, you create as much as at times of activity. You might make even more in times of inaction because, at these times, you prepare yourself for receiving your manifestations. You prepare yourself to be creative again. 

Restoring your energy is as important as using your power to create something new and unknown. You are a creator; therefore, you always create, even when it seems still. 

Let go of the pressure.

Now is when you can let go of the pressure you built over the past years. Today is the perfect day to let go of everything not serving you well. 

Let go of the stiffness inside of you and start flowing again in your natural state of mind. Start to flow again with the universe. 

You think you cannot take a break because of the pressure you have forced yourself to keep throughout time. It’s why you are unwilling to see the importance of taking breaks—the tension inside you to always give your best and beyond is why you feel tired yet are reluctant to rest. 

But the pressure you created to keep yourself on track with the world, you made yourself, and it only exists in your head. And if you are the creator of this pressure, you are the one who can dissolve it again. You do not need this kind of stiffness inside of you. It only stops you from being extraordinary.

When arriving where freedom dwells, you can finally spread your wings and free yourself of the walls you’ve established, the cocoon you locked yourself in. Free yourself of this cocoon you built around yourself and come home. 

Come home to the feeling of being loved entirely. 

Reminding yourself of the importance of taking breaks can be frightening initially. But it’s so worth it when you finally realise that you can become a better and more glorious version of yourself, finding a balance between times of action and rest.

You can do it!

You can find the strength within yourself to admire the importance of taking breaks and to focus on your inner peace and the balance between your active and passive sides. We all have them, these two different sides inside us. 

But often, it’s easier to ignore the more passive part of us because it feels uncomfortable to stay on this side since it means not creating but receiving. 

The truth of these two sides stays within, no matter the name we give them. They will continue to hold the value they were always meant to have. And always remember, even if these two sides of you seem too controversial to benefit you, they’re always interconnected and complement each other forever.

Always remember the importance of taking breaks, which means taking care of yourself and is essential for achieving your goals. 

Let’s start today focusing on prioritising your well-being and success by taking necessary breaks whenever needed. You deserve to recharge and come back with renewed strength and energy!

Until next time,

Keep evolving into your most glorious self!

woman on the beach - title - the importance of taking breaks

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