7 Ways to stop multitasking and be more productive

Reading about a topic like how to stop multitasking AND be more productive may sound controversial since it has been declared a favourable issue for a long time. Many people used to put being a “great” multitasker on their list of strengths. Of course, since it sounds very productive…

Here is the definition of multitasking:

“Multitasking is the ability to do more than one thing/several jobs simultaneously.”

The ability to process many tasks at once sounds like a very effective and business-relevant ability – a person who can value time and takes important deadlines seriously must be a winner trait for anyone. Right?

That is far from the truth.

We, humans, are, in fact, not capable of being multitaskers at any time. Our brains were never meant to be able to handle more than one task at once. It is more exhausting for our brains when forced to switch from one task to another in a short amount of time, and the chances are higher that excessive multitasking costs us more of our precious time and increases error rates.

But here we are, trying to survive any upcoming day with fully packed to-dos and time that seems to run through our fingers—the only solution: Multitasking.

If multitasking is the only opportunity for truly being productive and, as a result, successful, how should we be able to manage everything our surroundings demand from us? How can we be effective and thriving while not forcing ourselves to multitask at the cost of our health and well-being?

No worries, there are more convenient solutions to tackle our overflowing to-do lists and be valuable while protecting our brains and time.

With the following seven ways to stop multitasking and be more productive, you can upgrade your daily productivity game and regain control over your time and stress management.

1. Plan ahead

The heavier your workload, the more it makes sense to plan your day/week. If you wake up every day with no clue what your day will bring you and where your attention is most needed, this is when the multitasking tap is snapping.

Because in this situation, something unexpected is likelier to occur. Something you were not prepared for. And since you didn´t make any plans for your already known tasks, if any new job shows up, you´ll have to start multitasking to at least try getting everything done promptly.

What is so great about planning your time is that all your tasks for the day or even the week are in one place – your planner, notebook, paper, or whatever you want to use to stay organised. This way, you can plan working time and highly-needed resting time.

With planning, you can also see that if your workload is too heavy for you as a single person, you can start making more effective decisions for your future, like delegating tasks or quitting some of them.

2. Set priorities

Chances are high that only some of your tasks should be on your to-do list. That a few things you call your business are not your cup of tea and are only on your list because you are a lovely person and cannot set proper boundaries or because you still need to figure out what you are a genius at and what things you should delegate.

By setting your priorities, you can determine the most critical tasks for your day and identify the ones that shouldn´t be on your list.

Also, setting priorities is about deciding what tasks are more critical and are best for taking care of yourself. Because, hands down, when talking about multitasking and setting priorities, there is nothing more important than your health and well-being. And an overflowing to-do list and endless appointments and deadlines are not healthy in the long term.

No perfect planned day or week nor a list of your most important priorities is more important than you are.

Because you are the operator of all of this, you are the main character of your life.

You are the one who is in charge of the decisions you make daily. You and only you can determine what is best for you and what you are brilliant in. There will never be another person better suited than you to take control of your life.

Therefore, you should always be at the top of the list of your priorities. It would be best if you always were your number one priority.

Because only if your physical and mental health is blooming can you be efficient in your business. Nevertheless, if it´s an actual business or your household, your children, or your life. Only if your mind is calm and you have enough energy and inspiration can you make decisions that will bring your career to the next level.

3. Remove distractions

How can we be productive within our daily challenges if there are thousands of distractions besides our to-do´s? How can you focus on your current task if your phone is ringing all the time and in the background is the noise of your TV?

Also, how should we ever be productive if other people can distract us while working?

The goal of stopping multitasking is to be able to focus on one task at a time, not trying to concentrate on the present task, answering ten phone calls and text messages, and listening to your favourite podcast while watching something on Netflix.

Removing all distractions is crucial to get into a focused and more positive mindset!

Put your phone on mute, and switch off your TV and Spotify. Tell people you are busy now and will be available again in an hour.

At first, it will feel very awkward to be in a quiet environment. With no distractions. Because your brain could have gotten used to the constant chaos around your workplace in the past.

But you will see that suddenly, hearing your thoughts again is way easier. Also, getting new ideas will be more likely since you can focus on being productive and creative.

Now you can start to operate your concerns correctly. Finally, focus on one task at a time and use your time effectively.

4. Have a neat environment

When discussing being organised and having a plan for your day, this applies to your daily to-do´s and your actual workspace.

How can you be productive if your work environment is a complete mess? If everything around you is pure chaos?

If you want clarity for focus and productivity, you must also ensure that your environment represents your state of mind. Since everything you manifest in your inner world will mirror in your physical world.

A neat environment guarantees an aligned mindset.

This way, you can reduce the necessity of multitasking because it is messy. Avoid any chaos in your surroundings, and you are likelier to be more organised and, as a result, more productive.

5. Learn to say NO

Many people have been raised with a belief system that tells them that being helpful, compassionate, and selfless are desirable character traits. Being selfish or self-focused, focalised on the own well-being, is a bad trait and people like this are less appreciated by society.

This also comprises saying “no” to others and saying “yes” to yourself.

Being selfish is a good thing.

A god-blessed trait. It allows you to focus on your overall health, stay organised, and be way more productive than a person who cannot say no to anything.

With the disability of saying “no,” you run into the danger of overloading your workload and, as a result, come to the point where you cannot cope with it anymore.

The result: You are stressed out and need to multitask to complete your tasks and anything else you couldn´t say no to.

This tip is not only meant to be work-related but also in your personal life. It makes sense to sometimes say no to other people or situations based on your interests and to decide upon yourself.

Saying “no” to something, you automatically say “yes” to something more substantial. And this way, you ensure that you protect your productivity and overall health.

6. Allow yourself to rest

When in a productive and active phase, we tend to do more effectively, efficiently, and functionally. This way, we can easily forget that even if we are no children anymore, we are grown-up, mature adults. We still need rest. To calm down and to sleep.

Often, we forget, ignore, and refuse to believe that we deserve to rest.

We can be productive 12 hours a day. Yes. But it will cost us something. How should we live like this? We are human beings, not robots.

There has to be a time to be productive and also a time to rest and calm down. Because we deserve to not all the times give 100%. We deserve to give less of our energy if we decide to.

We finally need to accept that it´s okay to rest.

Because if we do, and we should accept this, we can get back the energy we gave to our projects and activate our creative side again. To then be more productive and innovative than ever before. But to do this, we need to rest. The world can wait for one or two moments. It will be worth it.

7. Know your values

This tip is the most important one for stopping multitasking and being more productive.

Why are you multitasking? Why do you put yourself in a situation in which you are stressed and losing control over your time and decisions?

Do you know your values?

Do you know why you are so special and unique?

If we know our values and capabilities, we start to refuse to put ourselves in highly uncomfortable situations. Or better, we choose these situations wisely. Only the ones where we can grow and expand our comfort zone to our conditions are worth picking.

Multitasking is none of them.

Because with multitasking, we do not appreciate our values. Multitasking can make our brains suffer and make us anxious.

Now you know that it is better to know your values and genuinely see that you deserve better than being stressed all day.

Allow yourself to believe you deserve control over your time, life, and decisions. Therefore, choose your battles. The ones that bring you closer to your goals, the ones that are worth your time.

By knowing your values, you can make wiser decisions. You can say “no” more easily.

You can also finally know where your weaknesses are. And can delegate tasks that someone better does with exceptional skills in areas you do not know anything about.

This way, you can save energy for any job that meets your values and handle it with brilliance.

Productivity is a crucial component of any aspect and area of your life. Being productive is key to success, no matter your goal.

But in this highly fast-living world, it´s so easy to align with the vibes and be stressed out to cope with everything this world offers to us. And quite often, we get lost in the tiny line between being productive, happy, stressed out, and wanting to cope with multitasking.

When focusing on our well-being and happiness, there is no room for excessive multitasking, and you are better served not to listen to anybody who wants to convince you otherwise.

Multitasking is exhausting. It´s like trying to water your plants with a teaspoon on a hot summer day. Not very effective, but eventually, you will reach your goal somehow. But you are likely more successful with a watering can.

You deserve better!

You deserve a life you are in control of—a life you can water adequately, where you have the right pieces of equipment and whereby you don´t have to use a teaspoon to water your plants – your goals.

A life that provides you with the values most important to you. So that you can proudly say, “I´m in control of it. I´m the creator of my life.”

Start implementing the tips above to stop multitasking and be more productive today. Get your life back today!

You deserve to be gloriously your best self!

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