6 Books for personal growth

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In today´s blog post, we will talk about books.

More specifically, let´s discuss the books supporting your personal growth journey. When it comes to books, especially those we should spend our money and time on and read through, it can be challenging – like a total disaster – to decide on one out of millions. 

The research for new books that are good and worth being read through is a love-hate relationship, at least for me – maybe you can relate to this.

I love searching for new books and getting inspired by new book launches. Also, a good book hunt in a bookstore is always a fun experience. But at the same time, it can be frustrating finding books that can help when you have a specific problem that you want to find a solution for. 

Some books are worth reading no matter at what stage you are currently in your life. Whether you are enormously successful in your career, starting a family and living that dream come true, or you want to reorient yourself and create a new adventure. Reading can support you in your goals no matter what. 

And reading can also assist you with creating goals you´ve never known you would ever call yours. Because a book holds so much value within its pages, it´s always best practice to be open-minded when adding a few new members to your library. 

There are many reasons to read regularly. Not only is it healthy for your brain, but making reading a habit can support your communication skills, help reduce stress, and much more.

So, whether you are a real bookworm and go through 100 books per year, or you couldn´t even finish one last year and decided to read more this year, here are six books for personal growth you must read in 2023.

1. The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8 AM – Hal Elrod

Chances are high that you at least once came across this book. The internet is full of the advice shared in this book. First, I came across this book on YouTube, where thousands of people shared their “miracle morning” experience.

And, of course, it sounded like a scam, especially on the internet; people want to tell you that waking up at five is so unique and implementing this habit solely in your morning routine has the power to transform your whole life. Well, yes, I guess we´ve all heard about such miracles. But it´s mostly just what it sounds like – a scam. At least, that´s what I thought in the beginning. 

But I was wrong. So wrong. “Simply” waking up at 5 a.m. and implementing all of the other steps shown in the book by Hal Elrod can change your life. That´s what happened to mine. And to the life of thousands of other people. 

“The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod is one of those books I would recommend to everybody. No matter what you want to achieve in your life or desires, this book will help you transform your morning routine and your entire life.

Hal teaches you the rules to a successful life and morning before even 8 a.m. And if you follow all the steps in his book, your life WILL change. 

2. The Mountain is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery – Brianna Wiest

“The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest is very special and one of these books that live rent-free in your brain for an extended time. It is all about self-sabotaging, and for this reason, it can be triggering for some people. But if you´re ready to confront yourself with the aspects of your life where you´re self-sabotaging yourself – this book is for you.

This book will show you how to face your most profound yet most damaging thoughts and habits to finally step out of your limiting behaviour and show your true potential.

3. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long And Happy Life – Héctor García, Francesc Miralles

This book covers one of the most crucial topics in life. Ikigai is the Japanese word for “your reason for being” or your life purpose. The reason why you want to wake up every day in the morning. The fuel to your inner motor.

What I loved about “Ikigai” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles is its positive vibes, especially its message – that you are unique and have a purpose in this world dedicated solely to you. 

In this book, you will be guided to the source of living a meaningful life filled with a purpose of being. Finding your Ikigai is said to be one of the main reasons for living a happy yet active life—a life you never want to retire from. 

4. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself – Michael T. Singer

If you want to look deep into your inner world, this is your book. Michael Singer is getting deep into the world of thoughts and emotions, and while doing this, he is making sense of the chaos in our heads. 

“The Untethered Soul” by Michael T. Singer is perfect if you want to discover who you are and are ready to dive deep into your mind. 

We, as human beings, are so much more than just our bodies or our minds. In this book, Michael Singer clarifies who we are – our consciousness. And he´s showing how to get the awareness of who we are. 

5. How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time – Jenna Kutcher

Reading “How are you, really?” by Jenna Kutcher feels like a warm hug, like having a coffee date with your best friend. She encourages everyone to be their best and most authentic version of themselves.

In this book, you will find answers to questions you haven´t even known that you asked these questions before. You will see how you can finally get your act together and let your life bloom how it deserves to. 

Sometimes we can forget how we are doing in a world like the one we all live in. But with a book like “how are you, really?” you can reconnect yourself with the part of you who is a dreamer. Of a life that is better than the one you are currently experiencing. 

This book will help you understand what´s going on in your mind so that you can step outside the chaos and become whom you were meant to be.

6. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Describing “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, I would call it the most spiritual and mystical of all the above books. But it´s also the one that can show you a world beyond what you think is possible. Dr. Joe Dispenza will guide you in his book to achieving a more magical life and becoming supernatural in attaining your desired life.

He will show you that you are capable of so much more than you´ve ever thought you could. You will get the ultimate guide on hand, how to create a life that existed to this moment only in your wildest dreams. It´s all about making sense of your inner world and returning the control you were born to have. 

With these six books for personal growth, you are good to go! 

Now you can start investing in yourself, the most important asset you could ever invest in. Learning new things, confronting these inner demons, and getting to know yourself better are priceless benefits of reading books with value.

Remember that it´s not about being the fastest or the most productive.

Nor is it about finding the shortest and easiest way to your chosen destination. It´s all about balance, and it´s all about taking this first, most frightening step. 

The journey of personal growth has no end, and you cannot win. Not in the term of winning so that someone else is losing. That´s not how it works. 

When you choose that it´s time to grow, you will have to start focusing on yourself. You will then realise that you cannot focus on other people´s journeys when outgrowing your current identity. And that´s fine. That´s exactly how it works. 

Start focusing on yourself and your personal growth journey, and hopefully, these six books for personal growth will be a great support on your way.

Last but not least, let me remind you: If you read just one page a day, if you take for yourself just five minutes a day, you will finish any book, and on top of that, you will start seeing the results you always dreamed of.

With all of that said, I wish you a wonderful and glorious time on your personal growth journey!

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