5 Reasons to convert into a lifelong learner

When talking about turning into a lifelong learner, many would call out at this moment because of confusion. Why would it be even necessary to convert into a lifelong learner? School is over, right? 

Yet, there are many reasons for making this decision and walking down that path. There are external and internal reasons for becoming a lifelong learner, and we will discuss all of the most critical reasons in today’s blog post. 

What is a lifelong learner?

You could describe what a lifelong learner is all about in many ways. But here is my description:

Becoming a lifelong learner is based on the desire to learn new things, experience unknown situations and repeatedly leave the well-known comfort zone. It’s about concluding that this is not a curse but a blessing. A lifelong learner actively chooses to welcome change into her life and is also convinced that there is more she is unaware of than what she already knows and learned. Becoming a lifelong learner also comprises a shift in your behaviour towards yourself. Because as soon as you decide to become a student of life, you must treat yourself differently. You must become more patient and compassionate because you’re now an active student, and learning is hard work. 

As you can see, getting the attitude of a lifelong learner has mostly to do everything with welcoming what life is about, making experiences, and simply living life by learning new things. 

You must leave the bubble you created. 

There is so much out of control when it comes to living life that we are only aware of to a certain point. Therefore, staying within that illusional bubble, many create of being in complete control and knowing all the answers to any question you could imagine is dangerous. And always staying within the boundaries, some made up for themselves, is tempting. The benefits of this decision are obvious. 

If you know anything there is to know about your bubble, and if you stay forever within this bubble, then there is nothing that can surprise you. Nothing that is unknown and not one moment that is getting inconvenient. Because you already know all the answers to learn – at least within your bubble. All actions you can make, you already have within you. It’s simply very safe to live this way. 

By living safely, you leave your personal growth behind.

But with that safety, you’ll leave something enormously vital behind. Your growth potential. Your ability to evolve into the person you were always meant to be. 

All life can only grow and evolve in a place of discomfort. Solely in an unknown area will you be able to become someone new. Only when you don’t have the answers must you stop to relive your past repeatedly and eventually start to learn and experience new things.

With all this said, let’s jump right into five reasons why you should become a lifelong learner today. 

1. Stay relevant and independent

Staying open-minded for ongoing learning throughout your entire life does help you to remain relevant and independent. You will learn new things whenever you are curious about what life offers you, which is a lot lately. 

And by staying curious about your life and everything you can learn throughout it, you will broaden your knowledge about the world. The more you know about the world, the more knowledge you gather, the more independent you will remain. 

This is because the more knowledge you gain about how certain things work, especially things new to you, the more accurate solutions you can provide to problems that occur to you and others. And the better of a help you are for others, the more relevant you will be. Of course, because think about it for one moment. 

Wouldn’t you always go for someone who knows many things if you struggle or for a child you know has not yet had the chance to gather much knowledge?

The more knowledge you can provide to solve problems, the more relevant and independent you will stay. And whenever you don’t have to rely on other people to help you solve your issues, the more you stay in control over your life, which makes you the active creator of your life. 

Also, the current world is changing rapidly periodically, with all new technologies invented and launched every so and then. With these ongoing changes, you should not wait until the change is happening to you until you can no longer ignore that the world’s evolution is also influencing your life. Wouldn’t it be a sufficient solution to actively welcome these changes by learning how they work before they have a chance to overwhelm you?

To stay relevant and independent today, it is best to become a lifelong learner. 

2. Personal growth

Personal growth has a lot to do with converting into a lifelong learner. Why? Because constantly growing within your journey means always being at the edge of your comfort zone. With your growth journey, you can never know what next experience you will go through; therefore, much improvising is involved and, consequently, learning.

Your soul, your higher self, is here to learn and experience everything initially planned before coming into this life. But if you’re afraid of change and if you don’t feel comfortable with improvising while learning new things, this is the moment when your personal growth will stumble.  

This is the moment you will start procrastinating, and then you will want to stay in the same spot forever because here you think it’s safe and here is where you have all the answers to potential struggles. And that’s true. You know everything, all the consequences, about where you’re at the moment. And this is the problem you’re facing unconsciously. 

Keep space for your evolvement.

Because by knowing everything, there is no space for evolvement. There is nothing to learn. Nothing to evolve into. Therefore, you will get stuck eventually the more you linger within your cosy comfort zone. 

So, by being brave and becoming a lifelong learner, you will find the courage to step outside your comfort zone into the unknown. Only then will you realise that your place is where you do not have all the possible answers and where endless probabilities surround you. 

This is when your potential is leaking through. Because where nothing is, there is endless growth potential. At precisely this moment, you will discover that life is all about the things you don’t know yet and not about the things you already know. 

If you decide today to convert into a lifelong learner, you step aside and welcome all the evolution heading towards you. You step aside and stop hindering your personal growth. 

3. Train your brain 

By deciding to convert into a lifelong learner, you actively welcome extra training sessions for the brain. Because if you’re willing to put yourself in situations where you can stay a lifelong learner, you need to experience problems in which you can actively learn something. Otherwise, it would not work out, right?

But what seems to be a burden, like who wants to suffer a lifelong by learning something new? It’s exhausting and not worth it since you can already live a good life without putting yourself into this. 

Hear me out: you will want to put yourself into unknown and uncomfortable situations, and you will want to experience problems you’re not familiar with. Why?

Simply because a brain trained well for the duration of your life will guarantee that you will not lose who you are today. Being in the comfort of a known place, where you know everything about consequences and little hacks to reach your preferred aim, will only guarantee you get slower and more passive. Because your brain does not need to think much, it is not working much to reach your preferred outcome. It already knows how to get there because it did it millions of times for you. 

This is indeed very convenient because if you don’t have to think actively about anything you’re doing, there is a lot of capacity for your brain to use it otherwise. But how do you use it otherwise? Typically, we tend to use these capacities of our brains to entertain ourselves with all the media we can access.

But this does not help stay in form throughout the coming centuries. Only a real workout for your brain has this effect. There is no shortcut to this; there is no way you can skip the learning. 

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4. Connect with people

By putting yourself in a situation where you can become a lifelong learner, you automatically put yourself into unknown situations. But if they are anonymous and the outcomes are not predictable, then you have a higher chance of meeting new people on your way along. 

Therefore, by becoming a lifelong learner by staying open-minded towards anything unknown to you, you also give yourself a chance to meet new people by connecting to like-minded souls.

Also, by becoming a lifelong learner, you have already decided to put your personal growth ahead of your priority list. And suppose you constantly evolve into a better version of yourself. In that case, if you repeatedly face your true self in the mirror and work through everything usually hidden behind the ego, you can start deeper connections with the souls around you. Because you also aim for a deeper relationship with yourself. 

You can only give what you have. 

Suppose it’s crucial to you to evolve into a more glorious self constantly. In that case, you will automatically project this desire – to gain deeper connections – to other people and motivate the beings around you to follow you. 

This way, with your decision to become a lifelong learner, you can change your life and impact those around you. 

5. Be content with your life

By becoming a lifelong learner, you will never again accept blind spots within your mind. Blind spots that withdraw your control. No, you will be much more likely to actively seek and intentionally work with them to reveal what’s hidden behind these blind spots. 

Because a lifelong learner is willing to learn what is outside them and, more importantly, what’s happening within. 

By working on yourself and improving what potential is hidden behind your usual behaviour, you aim for contentment. You strive for consciousness and intentionality. 

This works because a lifelong learner does not allow blind spots or unintentional behaviour to serve her well. And it does not happen overnight, of course not, but doing the work yourself is seeking. Evolving and constantly growing and expanding the given boundaries, you will be content with your life at some point. 

Deciding to become a lifelong learner, many other decisions that might be out of your awareness are made concurrently. Lifelong learning is not only about learning actual new skills and making unknown experiences. It’s not only about external events.

Lifelong learner is primarily internal. It’s mostly about your relationship with yourself. Making this a conscious decision, you place yourself on your priority list. Because, with lifelong learning, you are the only one primarily benefiting from it. 

Of course, learning new skills can also be advantageous for your career, but lifelong learning is mainly dedicated to telling the universe who you are. Tell the universe who you choose to be today and who you aim to be in the future. Becoming a lifelong learner is all about consistency. And by being consistent, you will eventually reach your preferred destination. 

Becoming a lifelong learner is your decision alone. But it’s so worth it. Making yourself a priority will always be worth it. You were never meant to stand still for the majority of your life. Also, you were never meant to embed yourself into the familiarity of your comfort zone. 

Make your decision to convert into a lifelong learner today.

Let me tell you to get active today with making a decision. Make a conscious decision about who you want to be. If you choose intentionality and personal growth as your leader through your life or if you’re going to stay in an unconscious bubble of illusional safety. 

With making a decision today, nothing else will happen today. You won’t have to make significant changes to your life today. But making an active decision and bringing busy thoughts into your reality is way more powerful than you may think it could ever be. By deciding to convert into a lifelong learner and make it an intentional thing, you tell the universe precisely what situations you want to experience next. 

And don’t get me wrong: you don’t need to have a precise plan of how you want your life to look. Just getting clear about who you want to define yourself as is enough.

Get active today. Decide who you want to be. Everything else will fall into place for you sooner or later. 

Until next time,

Keep evolving into your most glorious self!

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