5 Easy ways to compliment yourself every day

The first and most important step for implementing the following easy ways to compliment yourself every day you already did! Congratulations!

Wait, what?

Yes, because you are here, reading this blog post. This means you are willing and ready to improve your relationship with yourself. That´s so great!

Let´s celebrate this moment!

You may think now that this was not a big deal. You just clicked on the link, and currently, you are here reading my words and wondering why this should be such a big thing. Please, let me explain…

You would have never found this blog post if you weren´t willing to improve your daily habits. You decided to love yourself a bit more in the first place, so you can now read this blog post to get more guidance on complimenting yourself more easily.

And that´s something extraordinary.

Now that you know that you can be proud of yourself, we can start with this blog post on 5 easy ways to compliment yourself every day.

1. Write yourself a letter

When was the last time you got a letter? Like a real one, written on paper and starting with “dear …”?

If you don´t remember if it was 10 or 20 years ago or even much longer, it´s time to write a letter to yourself!

Stop thinking that it´s weird and awkward writing yourself a letter. No, it´s not. It´s a compliment. And that´s what this blog post is all about.

What easier way could you think of than writing yourself some lovely lines?

Even if you feel this will never be something for you, please at least try it. Afterwards, you can decide if you liked it or not anyways.

When starting to write the letter, there are a few things I want you to keep in mind:
  • I know that we are our greatest critics; finding nice words for ourselves can be challenging. It can help to imagine that you are writing to a loving friend. Imagine you hadn´t spoken for a long time to this specific person (which could be not so far from the truth – when was the last time you had self-talk?), and then imagine what you would like to let the person (you) know.
  • You do not have to share your written thoughts. Never. With nobody. It´s an enormously private experience. You can burn the letter after you have finished and read it.
  • You can also reread it as many times as you want. You can write down a new letter every day or at any time. It´s your piece of art. Please do whatever you want to do with it.
  • There are no limitations about what you can write to yourself
  • There is only one rule: no harsh or offensive words are allowed in your letter. No critic of yourself – this letter is supposed to compliment yourself – make it one.

2. Self-talk

Do you self-talk regularly?

If your answer is yes, you already know how calming and inspiring this can be. You can sort your thoughts and find the root of your current problem without spamming other people with your concerns.

Complaining can be very exhausting, not only for you but for the people talking to you. Also, it´s harder to continue complaining by practising self-talk because only you are listening to this. And you probably will be over it very soon. So, the likelihood of finding solutions that fit your manner of handling problems is much higher by talking to yourself.

Okay, that sounds pretty good, but how should this make it easier to compliment yourself daily?

Well, with yourself, you can not only talk about current issues but also treat yourself with loving words to feel better instantly. Also, words of appreciation are no big deal since all it takes, you already have. Therefore, there are endless possibilities on how far you can go with cheering yourself up. And you will see that you are feeling better by shifting your focus and talking to yourself. However weird it may sound at first. It works. Trust me.

For all newbies out there, how should you start doing positive self-talk?

Step 1

Find yourself a place where you feel comfortable. You do not need any audience for this.

Step 2

Close your eyes or get a soft focus.

Step 3

Start telling yourself things you are proud of. Something you appreciate in yourself.

Tip 1

We all do things we can be proud of. The key is to shift your focus to the details. You might not have saved a person from drowning yesterday, but something heroic like this is not even necessary to be proud of yourself. For you, a proud moment or a moment of appreciation could be that you …

  • Decided not to stay in bed today
  • woke up 10 minutes earlier
  • treated yourself and slept half an hour longer
  • Took care of yourself, brushed your teeth, did your hair, etc.
  • drank half a litre of water more than usual
  • read one page of a book
  • finished a book that was challenging for you
  • replied to a friend on WhatsApp
  • Put on makeup
  • Talked with your neighbour
  • went for a 5 (10/30/45) min walk
  • were 10 minutes less on your phone today
  • Greeted strangers on your way to work

Tip 2

You can use your name to make it extra effective. This way, your given compliments get even more accurate since you hear your words like you would if you´d get a compliment from another person.

Tip 3

The masterclass of complimenting yourself easier every day is to do all of the above in front of a mirror. Now you not only hear the compliments you give yourself. But you also look into your eyes, which brings an extra connection with yourself and gets even more intense. Just give it a try.

This is how positive self-talk can help you compliment yourself every day.

3. Treat yourself like a child

We tend to be very harsh with ourselves, and it´s often easier to criticise than to be gentle. With other people, the inhibition to treat them the same as we do with ourselves is higher since we usually feel the most comfortable with ourselves. But especially with children, it can be straightforward to be gentle. You would never expect a 2-year-old to go for a 3-hour walk. You would think that even the clumsiest first steps are a reason to celebrate the little human because you know that it just started to learn. That it is at the beginning of its journey.

You would never expect a child to compare to your physics or mental level. You know there is no chance this child is in the same position as you are. Also, you know that it needs years of experience to one day be at the same point where you are right now. Therefore, you know that all new experiences and all things the child tries out are valuable. You know, for the child itself, these are huge successes. Even if they cannot compare with an adult. But nobody ever said that it must be comparable.

Show yourself empathy.

Why can´t you show the same level of empathy to yourself? Where is the problem with treating yourself like a child? To celebrate all your successes? No matter if they can compare with someone else.

You are who you are. You cannot change your experiences from the past. Your story is as unique as you are. There is no point in comparing yourself and expecting the most from yourself just because you´ve seen what others can do or cannot.

Shift your focus from an overall critical one to one filled with empathy for you and all your actions. Try to understand that you are like a child with all your new adventures. Of course, you cannot be like someone who has done what you want to be able to do for centuries.

Start being gentle with yourself. Accept that you are worthy of getting a compliment every day and celebrate all your actions daily because they are unique and valuable.

4. Do something you are good at every day

An excellent way to implement compliments in your day-to-day experiences is by taking extra time every day for things you are good at. What could be easier than praising yourself for something you are already a genius at?

And don´t think too complicated. Often, we tend to underestimate all the things we are good at because they always accompany us, so it´s straightforward to forget them, like breathing. It´s a crucial part of our lives, yet we barely think about this condition since it feels natural to us to do so.

What are the things you are good at?

Often what you can do exceptionally are concurrent with the things you enjoy doing the most. Maybe you are a bookworm who can go through books as if it´s nothing. Or you are good at painting, cooking, and creating new things. You could be a pro at gaming. Perhaps you enjoy doing your hair and makeup and love styling up. Others are excellent at any sport. You could be a role model in meditation and relaxing, calming yourself down.

There are thousands of possibilities with what you are sticking out. The only challenge is to be aware of that. As soon as you are, it´s easy.

You do what you love and enjoy and can extol yourself for being good at these things. How gloriously!

5. Create a list

If you want it easy and effective, go with the list.

People who work with lists usually appreciate that all information and actions they need to work with are combined in one compact piece of content. It could be written on paper, a notebook, a mobile, a laptop, etc.

Working with compliments this way gives them an affirmation kind of character. Grab something to write if you prefer this over any other described method.

Think about everything you admire on you.

Everything you´ve already realised that makes you unique and everything where you see the potential. As long as it makes you feel loved and welcomed.

You could also add all the things you would love to compliment yourself on in the future. If it already exists as a goal/dream in your mind, why not start today complimenting yourself on these things?

At least by letting yourself know how much you already appreciate the goals you will have achieved in the future. Just take it easy and be creative. The worst scenario is that you feel better than before starting.

Regarding our well-being and self-esteem, the biggest challenge here is to be aware of our strengths. The potential we all have within ourselves is often so hidden that we forget how special we are. It´s way too easy, especially with social media, to focus on the glorious lives of others and forget about our own lives, which are never less exceptional than the ones we follow on social media or elsewhere.

When implementing habits for complimenting ourselves daily, like the ones mentioned above, support how we think about ourselves. These are supposed to improve how we think about ourselves; we can start feeling better, calmer, and relieved and develop our true potential.

But it´s crucial that we feel better above all.

Only when we know a better and lighter feeling can we start to want more. More peace in our lives, more freedom with the choices we have. More creativity to make our lives more colourful.

All of this starts when we realise that we are worth a compliment.

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