5 Books for self-development

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We live in a busy world, and sometimes it´s getting tough to keep yourself on track when prioritising your self-development journey over other crucial topics in life. 

To make it very simple for you to stay on track regarding your self-development journey, I collected five books to support you in achieving your goals.

Sometimes life happens, and we cannot do anything about it. But also, sometimes, the only thing we need is someone who can help us get back on the path we were initially meant to be walking. 

If you can relate to this, you´re welcome, my friend and don´t worry; We all feel this pressure occasionally. But I learnt throughout the years that it´s more often what we make out of the situation we find ourselves in and not what the actual situation looks like. 

Books are always a good start if you decide to make a difference today.

They are mostly affordable and are fully packed with helpful information to guide you in the direction you want to get. Also, reading books regularly benefits your brain functions and overall health.

Therefore, you can always make it, even if you feel that your life is overwhelming and you have no clue where to start when making a difference in your day-to-day experiences.

There are such meaningful and powerful books out there that all we have to do to keep the magic alive is to share them with the world. Ultimately, we can all get to know what these books want us to know.

Now, let´s talk about a few of these unique books. Books that can make an impact on your life and can help you master your self-development journey. 

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! – Robert T. Kiyosaki

Every day, we all have something to do with money. Whether it´s about spending, saving, or earning money. It´s a fixed component in our daily experiences. The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki focuses on how to generate wealth and, more importantly, how to get into the mindset of a wealthy person. 

Robert T. Kiyosaki explains with easy words how we all can start having a better relationship with money and make it work in our favour. Also, he shares the secret principles everyone needs to master on the way to becoming a wealthy person.

2. The Having: The Secret Art of Feeling and Growing Rich – Suh Yoon Lee, Jooyun Hong

This book is fascinating because it shows how meaningful a healthy relationship with money can be. And that if we love something, we need to treat it properly. Reading the words love and cash in one sentence may initially seem controversial. But it is precisely what “The Having” by Suh Yoon Lee and Jooyun Hong is about. 

It´s about our emotions regarding finances and, more importantly, how we feel whenever we spend it. Do you feel happy when you spend your money on possessions? Or is there more of a feeling of guilt for “losing” money you earned hard working?

This and many more questions are discussed throughout “The Having”. To eventually find answers to these crucial topics that concern all of us.

3. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones – James Clear

Everyone wants to be able to have good habits. But when the moment comes to play when we need to prove that we have these good habits in reality, being disciplined and showing willpower is, for many people, a real challenge and sometimes not imaginable. 

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is about implementing new, healthy habits and breaking bad ones that do not serve us. James Clear shows proven and effective ways to implement practices in our day-to-day lives that serve us and can help us improve daily into the best version of ourselves.

4. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is one of the most well-known and influential contemporary spiritual teachers globally. If it´s about spirituality or self-development, there is probably a book by Eckhart Tolle. 

And so is “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual and life-changing. This book is about the idea that the ego – the trained identity – could be the source of all the struggles we experience as individuals and as a whole on planet Earth. It shows strategies on how we can fix this – how we can let go of the ego that is controlling our behaviour and, ultimately, how this individual healing can walk along with curing the world.

5. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza is talking in his book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” about the fact that we human beings are so much more powerful than we think we could ever be and about the power of changing your mind and eventually your whole life.

The author explains this with the help of scientific resources but in easy-to-understand language, how we can use powerful tools like meditation to create a reality we deserve to live in successfully.

Sometimes all we need to get started with a new adventure is someone who has already walked the path we want to enter. Someone who is an expert in their field and can be a leader when we feel lost. 

I know that change is always frightening. But rest assured when I tell you that change means growth. Growth is something very natural, and we are meant to experience it. It´s the nature of what change is. 

Whenever you decide that you are ready for change and whenever you feel brave enough to take the first step on this exciting adventure, now you have some beneficial tools on hand to master your self-development journey!

Always remember: you are the creator of your life. It´s up to you how you invest in yourself and your potential as a creator. 

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