12 Essential truths about you to remember daily

Now that this year is about to end, it´s the best time to talk about the most important things in life, about the essential truths to remember every day.

Throughout the year, we all went through a bunch of different experiences. Some were fun, and others were confusing. A few of these situations might have hurt us, but others have shown us that there is more to life than we initially thought.

But no matter what you went through this year, there is still you. You are the only component constant and will always be, no matter what. There will always be you and yourself to walk the path of life.

This blog post I wrote for you. To remind you how special you are. That, after all, there is you and your uniqueness and brilliance. And also, let us recap the essential truths to remember every day, wherever you are on this beautiful planet, whatever you have experienced throughout this year and your life.

Some things are essential always to remember.

1. You are in charge of your life

Life is all about making decisions. Sometimes we forget about that from when the alarm rings in the morning to when we switch off the light at night; we make decisions. From taking the alarm clock, we set intending to wake up early seriously to what we eat, what we consume, what movies we watch, and what we spend our money on. You get the point.

But with this modern world, this world of the internet and endless opportunities comes not only a sheer amount of possibilities to live our life. It also brings a kind of pressure we´ve never known before.

There are many different types of lives everywhere, and many people tell us the best way of living. And often, we get distracted from our unique life path and get attracted to how people live their lives.

The internet and everything it offers can be inspiring, but at the same time, it makes it harder for us to choose our path—the way best for us.

It´s more challenging to keep resistance over the fact that we are bombed with millions of impressions every day, no matter if we are scrolling through social media, watching videos, or surfing the internet for inspiration.

With all of these distractions, remember daily that you are in charge of your life.

You can listen to hundreds of people telling you the best way to live. Getting advice from people you trust or follow is excellent, but please remember that above all has to be your own opinion about what true life looks like for you. It does not have to suit everybody, only you.

Regardless of the advice you get throughout your day, remember that it is your responsibility to analyse what you´ve heard and select the best information that suits your perception.

Do not let another person control your life; get back control and make the best decisions for your existence.

2. You can ignore the opinions of others

Most people like to judge and analyse other people´s lives and experiences – social media is booming this much for a reason.

I know it can be very discomforting when deciding that you are enough. Because if you choose that your value is infinite, you also need to determine that other people’s opinion is none of your business.

It cannot be yours. Because if you start overthinking everything people could assume about your decision and the path you take, this is when anxiety is happening, and this is when you get stuck.

But, friend, trust me when I tell you now that people will always have an opinion about you. They will always have assumptions about you, and they will always have advice for you, even if you do not want to hear it, on how to tackle life best. And often, these people who are very easy with their bits of advice do not follow them in return.

The moment you choose yourself, everything outside you loses its pressure.

You can ignore it.

Also, any advice you get is not meant for you without asking for it. It only shows you the limits of other people. The limitations, whereby the imagination of your critics comes to an end. It´s a flat earth conception. There is an edge and beyond that edge is nothing but darkness. For them, there is no way further than to this edge. They cannot go beyond. But you can.

Understandable that this might be frightening for them. However, it´s different from your perception of your life.

It is one from outside of you.

You can ignore it. It does not belong to you unless you decide differently.

3. You are valuable

This one, I want you to internalise. It is essential that you understand this.

You. Are. Valuable.

You hold value within yourself.

I may not know you personally since you can access my blog from all over the world, but you found this blog post and are valuable.

You are valuable because you live. Because you gathered experiences throughout your lifetime, these experiences, your life path, make you worthy. Worthy of anything you can even think of.

Remember this every single day. You are valuable.

For the souls in your life, you are valuable. Even if no one ever told you that you are, you are.

You bring something to this world that no other creature is capable of. And it´s good. This is the way it was supposed to be. The world is a better place just because you are part of it.

4. Choose gratitude every day

Gratitude is something crucial to remember every day. Life feels so much better when gratitude plays a role in it.

I truly believe that gratitude can be part of anybody’s life, no matter how it´s created. There are so many things that show up every day that I can be grateful for. And the same belongs to you.

And also, if you couldn´t find anything to be thankful for yesterday, you have the chance to be aware of something extraordinary today. You have every second the opportunity to be grateful. Choose it.

You can be grateful for this day, for your life. For the people that you walk together on the path of life.

5. You walk the path of life alone

This one might be tough.

I want you to imagine that your whole life is a path to specific occasions. Everything started when you were born. At the beginning of your never-ending journey, your caretakers are there for you. They hold you and walk the path together with you. You get older and meet new people – your friends. You start walking together along the way – through sunshine and rain, mountains and valleys. More often, the path branches of now, and you see that people who used to walk together with you – who had the same interests as you – take another direction as you choose.

Your life is a never-ending path; sometimes, you must choose the best way. Even though if you then need to go alone.

You walk the path of life alone at any time.

But sometimes people join you on your path, and it seems not lonely anymore. But you only enter the same way. Sometimes for a short time, sometimes for a longer time, or even forever.

Remember every day that you walk alone. All by yourself. And that the people who seem to walk together with you are just your guests. They eventually leave the path again for another branch.

And this is perfectly fine. Life is all about your path and the experiences you will come across.

Make peace with it. And remember it every day.

This way, you can appreciate the people around you – the ones who walk the path together with you – even more. Because only then, when you accept that it´s your path alone and all the people you meet along the way are your guests and will eventually leave again – like guests tend to do – can you see the beauty in change and the beauty in everything that happens to you and through you.

6. You can focus on the bad or the good

Every day you need to decide if today is the day you focus on all the good things in your life or if you want to keep the focus on the bad.

Either way, you are right. Either way, you may experience the same situations. But the perception creates the experience. Everything that happens in your life is neutral. Nothing is terrible and nothing good.

Both words are just our human way of describing if we appreciate or dislike situations that happen.

It´s the typical “is the glass half full or half empty” question.

The glass itself is neutral. There is a specific amount of water inside. That doesn´t make it half full or empty, good or bad. It´s our judgment that makes more out of it.

You decide every day if your glass is half full or half empty.

Remember, either way, you´re right.

But one way of thinking holds more potential for growth and miracles. Decide wisely which one you can appreciate more.

Which one feels better and more calming?

7. Your emotions guide you

Let´s talk about emotions. Hands down, feelings can be terrifying. Sometimes they can be so painful, so too much for us, that now and then, we´d wish to feel nothing at all.

Usually, strong emotions come in precisely these moments when we would love to feel nothing. During an argument, before a speech, after you´ve done something spontaneous, something you couldn´t plan for.

Or when we think about a situation, a scenario, that doesn´t have to be necessarily a real one. Sometimes our minds wander so much that we get lost in our imaginations.

But always keep in mind that your emotions are not bad or good. Again we are the ones who give certain emotions specific values.

There are feelings like happiness, love, and kindness that we usually appreciate and can welcome in our lives. And then there are others that, when experienced, feel very dense and stiff, like anxiety, sadness, and nervousness.

But all of the variety of emotions have a common origin. You. You are the one developing these emotions with your thoughts.

There cannot be one emotion without belonging thoughts. Your thoughts create your emotions, and your feelings create your actions.

Always remember this: your emotions guide you through your path in life.

What emotions you feel can tell you a lot about the thoughts you think and also about the actions you take.

It´s simple:

If you don´t like the feeling, you feel when thinking about certain situations, you will likely not be satisfied with what you experience because your emotions determine your actions.

But if you already like what emotions you feel within yourself, you will very likely enjoy what manifestations you will experience in the future.

Take your emotions as your guide, and remember daily that they are neither bad nor good. It´s, as always, what you make out of it.

8. You deserve the life you want

Many people do things daily that keep them away from reaching their dreams. They only exist in their imagination, hidden behind many self-sabotaging beliefs.

Things like: I cannot afford this; this is too challenging; it´s impossible; it will never happen to me; I´m not that lucky; …

I get it; how can you even think of choosing peace in a world full of drama? How can we be this selfish and pick ourselves and our dreams and chase after them if our family and friends tell us their horror stories and dramas day after day?

If anything, the only news we ever hear is the terrible ones. And anybody who dares to announce how great their life, how peaceful and full of wonders it is, gets blamed and banished.

Also, isn´t it so much easier to be the victim than to be the only one responsible for your happiness?

But let me tell you now, let me be the one to remind you that you deserve it. You are the one who deserves precisely the life you want. The one you dream about night after night for years. Go and take action towards your dreams!

And the moment you believe this is true, that you deserve the life you want, is when your dream life can find its way to you.

Remember every day that you deserve the life you want.

Do you want to know why I genuinely believe you deserve it?

There you go: I know that you deserve it because you are alive. You are someone. And you are divine. If you believe it or not. You were born and meant to be able to be a creator. That is everybody´s purpose.

We all deserve it. And you are part of it. Therefore, you deserve the life you want. You only need to remember this simple truth every day.

9. You are perfect the way you are

I know this might be too much for some people, but when speaking about the essential truths to remember daily, we also need to discuss this.

Please hear me out; I know exactly how weird it feels when someone wants to tell you something good about yourself. I was there as well. At the point in my life where I didn´t believe the good things, people assumed about me. The compliments I would get for something I could not see myself.

And the tricky part is that if you cannot see it in yourself, everything anybody can tell you about yourself sounds like a lie and an act of manipulation.

But if there is anything you believe today, let it be this one:

You are perfect the way you are.

Your body, your mind, your soul. You are good enough. Period.

You do not have to change a bit. Never for people out there. Not because you think you need to look like the models in the adverts. The social media queens you love following?

You can be different from them. Allow yourself to be precisely like you are right now. Remember every day that you are perfect the way you are because you are so much more than your body, mind and soul. You are a true wonder. Remember it.

10. You can step away from anything that is not in alignment

When you go through year after year, and you put in the hard work, the work on yourself, on your life, and after all that time, you eventually happen to see the outcome from the seeds you planted in the first place, then you have to make a decision.

You put in all the energy to build YOU.

Change is challenging. For anybody, it looks different. But that´s okay.

After all, you did. After all, you went through; you deserve that your experiences align with your most authentic desires. The values you developed all by yourself, you need to protect at any cost. The peace you created in your life and the love you can finally give to yourself.

But even after all the things you experienced in the past and from which you could grow, from which you could change, there will always be situations that will test you.

That will come into your life to check up on you and test how serious you are about your growth.

And when the test appears in your life, you must decide again.

I hope then you are brave and kind enough to choose you.

And I pray that you remember that you are entitled to step away from anything that is not aligned with your values.

Step away from anything attacking your peace, luring you back into the hole you gloriously escaped from. The spot you were sitting in your whole life and what you eventually got past.

You deserve to protect your peace and values from any test trying to harass you.

Just remember that you are entitled to step away from those things.

11. You can change your mind

The choice you made yesterday, but today are you not satisfied with anymore? Change it, then.

Often in life, we need to make uncountable decisions and set goals for the future. But not uncommon is that when some time could pass by, and circumstances change, we want to reconsider the choices made in the past. Until here, no problem.

Because there is this belief many people have, and maybe it sounds familiar to you too, that plans, once made, need to be pursued until reached. But if we think about quitting the former goal, we think we are losers and that leaving is a weak trait. It only gets critical when the ego appears.

But sometimes plans don´t need fulfilment. Sometimes we have specific goals and follow them because we need the beginning of that journey but not its completion. We sometimes only need to go in a particular direction to reach that branch we need to take. And once accepted, we can see clearly. So clear that we can rearrange our priorities and, according to them, set new goals and make new plans.

Let me tell you this: it´s more than okay to go towards another destination. It´s okay to change your mind even if you were committed to the former goal 100%. To change direction during your journey. Sometimes this is precisely what we need to do – listen to our gut and start with new adventures.

Your higher self knows where the journey is going. Trust it.

I want you to remember that it is okay to change your mind daily. It is okay to be afraid of this decision, and it is okay to worry about what other people might say about your decision. But what is not okay is to go further on a path you no longer want to participate in.

What is not okay is to go against your emotions. Against your gut feeling. Your intuition.

These are your guides, the ones who are always on your side, guiding you through your life’s path.

It´s okay to change your mind.

12. You are independent of anybody´s approval

What´s the actual matter with the approval from others? Why is it such a big deal? Why do we struggle when it comes to making choices without the consent of everybody?

Well, because making choices is related a lot to being different. Think about it. You do not have to make these massive decisions when being like anybody else. You know precisely how to live life and what is expected from you. There are no blind spots. Nothing to worry about. Because everybody is doing the same and hoping for others to walk the same path as anybody else.

And let me tell you, this moment is very frightening. It only gets terrifying when you decide you want to take a different branch than society expects you to go. But it´s worth it. It truly is.

When you are at this point in life where you need to make this significant decision – if you want to be like all the people around you or if you want to choose to be your most genuine and most authentic self, you could find yourself in this crazy circle of feeling guilty for choosing yourself, feeling released for deciding so and also want to get the approval from others for your decision.

There can be some people in your life who cannot imagine that your chosen life path could be crowned with success. Naturally, you want at least the approval from your closest people, your very loved ones. But sometimes, you can hit a wall and some barriers that you cannot pass by.

And that´s okay.

This misunderstanding is the best thing that can ever happen to you. That is the miraculous side of being different. Of choosing something in your life, nobody else can imagine you to follow. And it´s beautiful.


Because the moment you hit that wall of resistance and sometimes criticism is when you know that your choice was the right one. When nobody else can imagine that you will succeed, but you can envision it in front of your eyes, it is the moment you know you have already achieved a part of your goal because you chose yourself. You chose your vision and your dream.

This is your proof that you were brave enough to go beyond. To not let you stop from these limiting beliefs of the folks around you.

Remember that you are independent of anybody´s approval.

As soon as you can envision your dream and already feel how it feels to live it. Chase after it. Please do it. Have faith in yourself. And eventually, you will succeed.

When living life to its fullest, day by day, amazing things can happen, miraculous things. But sometimes, we can get lost between creating a successful life that makes us proud and finally trying to get that work-life balance working out.

In these racing times and a crazy year like the one we leave behind today, it´s crucial to remember some essential truths about ourselves daily.

Sometimes we must get guidance and support on our way through life. And sometimes, getting reminded of how wonderful we are and what our life should be about is healing and calming that it is all about us—all about you.

Hopefully, these 12 essential truths to remember daily can help you to digest your life on a whole new level and to emerge with a higher understanding of what this crazy thing called life is all about.

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