100 Positive affirmations you can claim daily

Finding positive affirmations that you genuinely resonate with and are inspirational can be tricky. But it can also be straightforward! 

Positive affirmations are a practical tool for actively rewiring your brain to focus on the good in your life, and you can use them to achieve your goals and create a life you adore. 

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To support you in finding the perfect affirmations for you to claim daily, I collected 100 positive affirmations that will genuinely benefit you on your personal growth journey. You can repeat them in silence or aloud, record yourself while claiming them to listen to your voice later; you can write them down in a journal, and so much more!

Kindness affirmations

1. I am kind and compassionate towards others. 

2. My kindness makes a positive difference in the lives of those around me. 

3. I choose to see the good in others and treat them with kindness. 

4. My kindness is contagious and inspires others to be kind. 

5. I am grateful for the opportunities to show kindness and make a difference. 

6. Kindness is a daily choice, bringing me joy and fulfilment. 

7. I treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their background. 

8. My kindness can brighten someone’s day and lift their spirits. 

9. I am kind and caring and strive to show love and compassion. 

10. Kindness is a reflection of my inner beauty and strength. 

11. I am grateful for the kindness I receive from others and pay it forward whenever possible.

12. My kindness can break down barriers and bring people closer together. 

13. I am a beacon of kindness and hope in a world that sometimes feels cold and dark. 

14. My kindness is a gift that I give freely and generously to others. 

15. I am proud of the kind and loving person I am becoming daily. 

16. My kindness reflects my values and beliefs, and I proudly stand by them. 

17. I approach every situation with kindness and empathy, and it makes all the difference. 

18. I believe in the power of kindness to create a more peaceful and loving world. 

19. My kindness can heal wounds and mend broken hearts. 

20. I am a living embodiment of kindness and proud of my person.

Change affirmations

1. Change is a natural part of life; I embrace it positively and openly.

2. Every change brings new opportunities for growth and learning.

3. I can adapt to any change that comes my way.

4. Positive change is always possible, and I am empowered to make it happen.

5. I am confident in my ability to navigate change and become more assertive on the other side.

6. Change is a chance to redefine myself and create a better future.

7. I am courageous about change because it will lead to exciting new experiences.

8. Change is a catalyst for progress, and I am excited to see where it takes me.

9. I am open to change because it will bring me closer to my goals and dreams.

10. Every change allows me to become the best version of myself.

11. I trust in the universe to guide me through any change that comes my way.

12. Change is a necessary part of life, and I am grateful for the lessons it teaches me.

13. I approach change optimistically, knowing that good things are on the horizon.

14. My ability to adapt to change is evidence of my strength and resilience.

15. Change is a chance for me to let go of the past and embrace a brighter future.

16. I let go of the past and am excited to embrace all the positive changes that come my way.

17. Change allows me to become more connected to my true self.

18. I am excited to see all the fantastic opportunities with positive change.

19. Change is a chance to step out of my comfort zone and discover new parts of myself.

20. I can achieve anything I want, and positive change is just the beginning.

Abundance affirmations

1. Abundance flows effortlessly into my life every day.

2. I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life.

3. I attract abundance like a magnet, and it surrounds me.

4. I am grateful for the abundance already in my life.

5. My abundance mindset attracts more abundance into my life.

6. Abundance is my birthright, and I claim it now.

7. I trust in the infinite abundance of the universe.

8. I am open and receptive to all forms of abundance.

9. My thoughts and actions align with abundance and prosperity.

10. My abundance is a reflection of my inner state of being.

11. Abundance is a natural state of being for me.

12. I attract abundance effortlessly and with ease.

13. I deserve all the abundance and prosperity the universe offers.

14. I am abundant in all aspects of my life, including love, health, and wealth.

15. My abundance mindset attracts new opportunities for growth and success.

16. I am grateful for the abundance that continuously flows into my life.

17. I deserve to live a life of abundance and prosperity.

18. My abundance is a blessing that allows me to serve others.

19. Every day, in every way, I am becoming more abundant.

20. I trust the universe will always provide me with abundance and prosperity.

Success affirmations

1. I am confident in my abilities and trust myself to make the right decisions. 

2. I am worthy of success in all areas of my life, and I achieve it with ease.

3. I attract success like a magnet, and it flows effortlessly into my life.

4. I am constantly growing and learning, which leads to more tremendous success.

5. My success mindset attracts more opportunities for growth and achievement.

6. My success empowers and inspires others to reach their full potential.

7. I trust in my ability to achieve success and overcome any challenges that come my way.

8. I am open to receiving all the blessings that come with success.

9. I am living my best life and enjoy every moment of my journey towards success.

10. I am surrounded by success and abundance in all areas of my life.

11. Success is a natural state of being for me, and I attract it effortlessly.

12. Success is inevitable for me because I am committed to my vision.

13. I deserve all the success and prosperity the universe offers, and I manifest it in my life.

14. I am successful in all aspects of my life, including my career, relationships, and personal growth.

15. My success mindset attracts new opportunities for growth, achievement, and fulfilment.

16. I am grateful for every achievement and the success that continuously flows into my life.

17. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

18. I move closer to achieving my dreams and goals every day.

19. I am surrounded by positive energy and supportive people who help me succeed.

20. I trust myself and the universe to always provide me with the success and prosperity I desire and deserve.

Self-Love affirmations

1. I am worthy of love and happiness and choose to focus on the good in my life.

2. I am achieving great things and trust my abilities and strengths.

3. I am deserving of respect and kindness from myself and others.

4. I trust myself to make the right decisions for me.

5. I am constantly growing and learning, and that’s something to be proud of.

6. I embrace my flaws and imperfections as part of my divine soul.

7. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.

8. I am worthy of forgiveness and second chances.

9. I choose to let go of negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.

10. I am proud of myself for all my accomplishments, big and small.

11. I am beautiful and unique, just like I am, and this is worth celebrating.

12. I love and accept myself unconditionally, now and always.

13. I deserve to let go of comparison and focus on my journey.

14. I am in control of my happiness and choose to focus on things that bring me joy.

15. I am worthy of taking care of my physical, emotional, and mental health.

16. I am deserving of joy and happiness in my life.

17. I am confident in my ability to handle any situation that comes my way.

18. I am grateful for my talents and abilities.

19. I am allowed to set boundaries and prioritise my own needs.

20. I am loved and appreciated by those around me.

Here they are, 100 positive affirmations for you to choose from, whatever aligns with you! 

Choosing yourself in a world that demands so much from all of us can be challenging sometimes, but it’s a tremendous success if you decide to choose yourself every day. It requires to be brave and have courage; at the same time, you must be the kindest to yourself you have ever been. 

Starting with your growth journey is like learning to walk. Initially, it’s all uncoordinated and wobbly, just like a toddler’s first steps are. And just like a toddler, who has to fall many times and stand up just as often because it’s part of nature, to eventually evolving from taking the first careful steps to fully walking and ultimately running, you start all wobbly with your personal development to finally walk steadily and with your head up high.

All good things in life take practice to become perfect. 

And so is your growth journey. It won’t be a steady growth but will result in many ups and downs. But that’s just fine and exactly how your personal growth journey should be. And to remain with the path metaphor, isn’t it the charm of any path we could walk along to have lots of curves and junctions, lots of ups and downs, to fully see the beauty of nature rather than to walk a straight line?

Hopefully, these positive affirmations are helpful for you to pursue your path to your most glorious self.

Until next time,

Keep evolving into your most glorious self!

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