10 Ways to overcome a lack of creativity

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There are several ways to overcome a lack of creativity whenever it may appear. And do you know what? 

A lack of creativity is the most normal thing in the world!

If you came across this blog post today, chances are very high that you are in one of these creativity voids right at this moment and are desperate for help.

First and foremost, let me be your inner voice for one second:

If you struggle with a lack of creativity, stay calm, take a deep breath and stay with me for the duration of this blog post, and I promise you will have plenty of new ideas for overcoming that annoying lack of creativity!

All of us, who regularly use our creative muscles, may it be because of our hobbies or our job, creativity – the power to create something new out of nothing – is crucial to many parts of our lives. 

You are a creator!

From cooking, gardening, painting, and singing to business topics like writing blog posts, emails, and books, or being otherwise creative, creativity is part of the lives of all of us. This is natural since we human beings are born creators of some sort. 

Some of us create things that get high-value attention and seem to be more critical, like buildings, movies, songs, paintings, businesses, and others are part of creations that are seen as usual and nothing extraordinary when it is, in fact, exceptionally unique, like your daily makeup, haircuts, making yourself breakfast, becoming a parent, building the house of your dreams, building relationships and so much more. 

As you can see, even if you would never call yourself a creator or a creative person, as soon as we create something out of nothing, we are creative and, therefore, called creators and consequently, we need our creativity.

We all can encounter a void of creativity.

We all can suffer from a lack of creativity, and mostly it happens at precisely the moment when we need the help of our creativity muscle the most. 

When this happens, it’s very tempting to lose our temper and get mad about it, as it seems evident that we cannot function correctly. But it’s not true! It is not your fault when you experience a lack of creativity. It has nothing to say about you and your worth when you have this blockade in your head and cannot get the necessary inspiration to be creative again. 

I can assist you in overcoming a lack of creativity with these 10 effective methods. With these tools and ideas, you can conquer creative blocks whenever they arise. Let’s find the light at the end of the tunnel!

10 ways to overcome a lack of creativity

1. Take breaks!

When you reach the point where your head feels empty, and you cannot catch a thought, you cannot use one tiny bit of your creativity muscle – then it’s time to take a break!

I completely understand how difficult it can be to consider taking a break when you have so much on your plate and feel the pressure to succeed. It’s natural to feel like you’re letting yourself down if someone suggests taking a break at this very moment, but I want you to know that taking a break doesn’t make you any less capable and can help you achieve more in the long run.

Sometimes, when you feel stuck and lacking creativity while working, taking a break and clearing your mind can be incredibly beneficial. Stepping away from the task temporarily can help you gain clarity and increase productivity when you return, allowing you to tackle the task with renewed energy and focus.

It’s about letting go of the pressure whenever you take a break. You literally break up with your current task, leading to more headspace, which you can use to fuel your mind with fresh and energetic ideas and inspirations.

And with a mind fully packed with valuable new information, you can eventually overcome a lack of creativity.

2. Get new inspiration!

When taking a break, seek out new inspiration!

Inspiration is everywhere around you, I promise! I know it’s tough letting yourself be inspired by your surroundings while suffering from a lack of creativity. But you will get this inspiration as soon as you focus on it.

You can find inspiration in everything you do –reading books, watching movies or videos online, listening to music, and going outside for a walk. Suppose you focus on consuming media that helps you get back your inspiration for being creative. In that case, this is where you can get new ideas and ultimately overcome your lack of creativity. 

Here’s a helpful tip: if you feel like you’ve been using your brain too much and need a break, try doing something physical like yoga, Pilates, going for a walk, sunbathing, or taking a bath. This will give your brain a much-needed rest while still allowing you to feel productive and active.

This way, you can get inspiration from your surroundings while resting your brain and creativity muscles.

3. Network with other people

If you’ve given it your all and put in the necessary effort but still find yourself stuck and needing assistance to move forward with your project, it’s time to reach out and connect with others.

Sometimes, finding a solution to a problem can be challenging. But have you ever considered brainstorming with others? It can make a huge difference! Collaborating with people with different perspectives may help you gain ideas and arguments you’ve never thought of. It’s almost like a miracle in problem-solving.

This way, networking with others can lead to new and innovative solutions, which you can use to be productive and creative again.

Remember, you are never alone. 

Your support network can include family, friends, individuals in your niche, or those in your business circle. Consider joining Facebook groups that discuss your specific issue or building a community to connect with. 

There are endless opportunities to network with other like-minded people to get fresh energy and new ideas for your projects!

4. Change your Routine/Environment

Routines are everything!

Every single one of us is the product of all the routines we took over and implemented in the past, which we bring daily into the present moment.

This means that if you implement daily routines that help you stay creative and inspired, chances are higher that you will be more productive and eventually successful. The same goes in the opposite direction:

Sometimes, certain habits may prevent you from reaching your goals and stifle your creativity. But it’s important to acknowledge that these habits could have been picked up from different sources like family, friends, media, or your surroundings.

And again, it’s not your fault if you have routines that do not support your goals and take too much of your creative energy; therefore, you suffer from a lack of creativity. 

Now is the moment where you need to take action!

Even if it’s not your fault that you have implemented counterproductive routines in the past, you are indeed accountable if you don’t take action right now! At the exact time, when you become aware that a few routines do not support you in reaching your goals, you become accountable for the consequences – a lack of creativity and being less productive.

Now is the time to get aware of all your routines that may be difficult and actively change your habits and environment to get your creative energy back. 

Get your creative energy back!

A change of routine and environment could be, for instance, you working remotely and suffering from a lack of creativity while being at home, switching your location and going to the next cute café, you know, the one that’s just around the corner, take a coffee and a seat, and see what happen. 

Chances are high that simply changing your environment can ensure your creativity returns. You could get plenty of inspiration just from sitting in this café, hearing and seeing other people minding their business.

Be curious about your routines and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”, “why am I doing it this way?”, “Why do I have this routine?” and the most critical question: “Is this routine serving me and my goals?”

With these simple but compelling questions, you can learn much about yourself and finally find ways to overcome a lack of creativity!

5. Use creativity tools!

Sometimes when you reach the point where you tried out anything to overcome a lack of creativity, but nothing seems to help, it’s best to get yourself some help in the form of a creativity tool that supports you with being aligned with your imagination.

One of these creative tools is called Canva

Canva is an online graphic design tool for the creation of visual content.

Canva is my number one go-to tool for performing creative tasks and the only tool I currently use because it has everything I could wish for!

Trust me when I tell you that Canva is a game changer in creativity and performing your creative ideas!

Let’s talk briefly about why Canva is so unique and helpful for any creative person and why you can benefit from using Canva for your daily creative tasks. 

What makes Canva stick out?

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use graphic design tool without prior experience, Canva is the perfect choice. With Canva, you can create visually appealing designs in no time. Here are five reasons why you should give it a try:

1. User-friendly and easy to use

I understand that technology can be intimidating, but with Canva, you don’t need to worry about that. It’s designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy to use even if you’re not tech-savvy. 

The drag-and-drop interface allows you to create professional-looking designs without any prior design experience. You’ll be surprised by how quickly you’ll learn to use it. In addition, Canva offers tutorials and design resources to help you improve your design skills. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, Canva will save you much time.

2. Versatility

Canva is constantly improving and finding new ways to simplify your life, and they’ve recently added AI integration to their platform. 

You can create beautiful projects with their practical templates, such as workbooks, e-books, checklists, social media graphics, and presentations. Whether you need marketing materials or want to work on personal projects, Canva offers various design templates, including social media graphics, business cards, and presentations. 

In addition, Canva provides a vast library of images, graphics, fonts, and videos that you can use for free or a small fee, depending on your subscription plan. With the paid plan, you can access infinite possibilities to make your content stand out.

3. Customisation

With Canva, you can bring your visions to life as it provides ample customisation options. You can create designs that uniquely suit your preferences and needs. The platform allows you to play around with various images, fonts, and colours, and you can easily add text, shapes, and icons to your designs.

4. Collaboration

Canva is an excellent tool for group projects as it promotes collaboration among team members. It seamlessly integrates with various platforms, such as social media and email marketing tools.

5. Affordable

Canva provides a free plan with numerous features and a Pro plan offering more advanced features at an affordable monthly rate—a premium version grants access to even more features and advanced functionality.

To summarise, Canva is a cost-effective and user-friendly graphic design software with many design templates and customisation choices. Canva can be a significant factor in enhancing your creativity by offering a variety of possibilities to assist you in your creative endeavours. Whether you’re a marketer, a small business owner, or an individual interested in producing striking visuals, Canva is worth trying to help you overcome a lack of creativity.

6. Experimenting with new things

When you work in a creative field and feel that working on your current project becomes undoable because you lack creativity, try something new!

Trying and experimenting with things you’ve never gotten in touch with before guarantees you two things: first, you come out of your comfort zone whenever you do something new and unexpected, which can help you get unique perspectives for your current creative project. Second, experimenting with different techniques can help you generate new ideas, which you can use to reactivate your creativity!

New ideas or approaches can spark creativity, whether brainstorming or grabbing a piece of paper and writing down everything that comes to your mind about your current topic. Experimenting with different techniques and styles for your project, even if they differ from your preferred method, can lead to new and innovative ideas you may have yet to consider.

Often, trusting our instincts instead of overthinking too much on a particular topic can lead to unexpected and exciting outcomes. If your current approach to a project is not achieving the desired results, it might be worth trying new and unfamiliar methods.

7. Set realistic goals

As a creative person, it’s tempting to set unrealistic goals. May it’s because you compare yourself to others who are more successful in your field than you currently are or because you do not enjoy the journey towards your designated goal and want to skip the path towards success even though life is not working like this. 

You cannot just skip the personal growth that is naturally happening while you’re on the path, and that is necessary for you to be able to arrive at your destination eventually. You are who you are and cannot magically be someone else without deciding to evolve and change who you are.

Unrealistic goals create a lot of pressure and stress within us, and this can lead to a lack of creativity. 

How can you achieve plans that do not originate within you using only your capabilities? Because by setting goals that are too high for you to reach with your current state of development – and these goals typically appear in your outer world by comparing your growth with someone else’s– you unintentionally refuse to be successful. And as soon as you feel stressed out and under too much pressure, you cannot be creative anymore since you start being in survival mode and forcing yourself forward instead of going with your natural flow. 

It’s ridiculous to expect you to grow your business as fast as someone with a team of 20 people if you are a one-woman team. Therefore, set realistic goals. Goals that are designated to you and your needs and conditions. 

Also, you don’t have to grow as fast as someone else because it makes no sense to compare yourself to any other business or artist out there since you cannot know the person’s intentions you compare yourself with. You do not know the other person’s WHY—why this person became this successful. And guess what, it’s OK!

Unrealistic goals nearly always arise when you focus on the outer world instead of concentrating on your inner world. Your goals become realistic the more you focus on your inner world and the more you challenge yourself instead of comparing yourself to others.

8. Practice mindfulness and meditation

If you experience a lack of creativity and you’ve already followed step number one – taking a break – use it wisely. And the wisest decision you can make while on your time out is to take a few moments to focus on your breath and clear your mind. I’m talking about meditation. 

The great thing about meditation is that you do not need anything for a successful meditation session. It would be best to have your willpower and a quiet place. 

As you will see, meditation is more complicated than it may sound. Your brain can be filled with chaotic thoughts over and over. Sitting on the ground focusing on breathing and nothing else can be enormously challenging, especially when coming from a lack of creativity because a lack of creativity comes from being not aligned with your higher self – where you get inspiration from. Therefore your mind could be chaotic – filled with endless thoughts spinning an impenetrable construct.

Practising mindfulness can also look like this: You get yourself a journal and write down all the thoughts that are controlling you at the moment and keeping you from being creative again. 

Everything that helps you quiet your mind is perfect for getting back in alignment with your highest intentions – being creative and being a creator.

9. Write down ideas

Do you need help to tap into your creative writing flow? One effective method is to write down all your inspirations and ideas, even if they still need to be organised. Writing them down on paper or in a personal notebook can help you regain focus. 

Consider keeping a creative journal, whether physical or digital. This way, you can habitually note all your beautiful ideas. 

Just be quick about it! Maybe you know the feeling when a fantastic idea pops into your head but slips away the moment you become distracted. It’s frustrating to know that a brilliant idea is in your mind, but you can’t seem to retrieve it.

That’s where a creative journal comes in handy!

10. Make mistakes!

When discussing overcoming a lack of creativity, we must examine the most important tip—making mistakes. Yes, I know this is the most painful advice you could receive today.

But let me explain:

By allowing yourself to make mistakes while on your journey to overcoming a lack of creativity, you take much pressure off your shoulders. By allowing yourself to make mistakes, you not only permit yourself to make mistakes but also grow. 

And with growth comes mastery. And with mastering your profession, making mistakes and learning from these errors, you widen your comfort zone, and you can find your true passion. Because only when you love what you do will you let yourself go through mistake after mistake. 

Allowing yourself to make mistakes can overcome a lack of creativity. Because with that allowance, you start facing your fears, and the fear of making mistakes can also be a significant factor in a lack of creativity. 

In any creative field, it can be tempting to enhance perfectionism. 

But let me tell you this: you will only see what your heart wants to know while on your path to your destination. You can only see where your approach leads you while being on it. Only plan some things before you start. You will have to improvise, and you will have to trust in your capabilities while on your journey to reaching your goals. 

And with that trust, you need to allow yourself to make mistakes. This is part of the journey.

Becoming a creative person is a journey that requires patience and cannot be rushed. You cannot plan or force creativity. 

But the good news is, you do not have to do anything like this! Have faith in yourself and trust your gut feeling, and you will succeed.

You may need courage and self-discipline to innovate, but making mistakes is okay as you confront your fears. This process requires time, effort, and patience. You may face obstacles and periods of stagnation, but with perseverance, you will acquire the tools to overcome them and unleash your full potential and expertise in your field. 

Take it one step at a time, and you will reach your goal!

With patience and consistency, you can create something you’ve never even thought of, and by prioritising your well-being, you can overcome a lack of creativity whenever you experience it!

Until next time, 

Keep on evolving into your most glorious self!

10 ways to overcome a lack of creativity

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